Star Pistol Serial Numbers

The Star Model BM is a single-action semi-automatic pistol that fires the 9 mm Parabellum pistol cartridge. BM serial numbers ranged from 1,226,501 to somewhere around 1,982,884. A Star Model B pistol would often substitute for a Colt 1911, since the former works more reliably with blank ammunition, and the two appear quite similar from.
Star (and other Spanish) pistols are most easily dated by using the Spanish Proof House markings on the frame. The marking is either a letter (i.e. A, B, C.) or a letter and a number (i.e. A1, B1, C1.). It is located on the left side of the frame. The letter code is stamped inside of shield with a knights head on top.
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On military pistols, the marking is usually to the left of the magazine release. On commercial models, it will probably be underneath the grip panel. A chart for dating the the symbol can be found here Since you are looking for a C&R piece, you will be looking for a proof date of 1958 or older.

Nothing left to say lyrics staind. This will be signified by a code of D1 or lower. The year date code is NOT inside the knight's helm over shield proof; that is a totally different proof mark. The Eibar region proofs are a triad groping of the knights helm over shield with an 'X' in the shield, a flaming bomb with 'I' (Military issue) or 'P' (commercial or export) in it, and the date code. The date code is a stand alone letter, or letter plus number, with '*' above it. The letter code started with 'A' in 1927, went to 'Z' in 1954 (keep in mind the Spanish alphabet includes the 'LL' and N with squiqqle over it (Nyay) - started over with 'A1' in 1955.
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