Shejr Dar Borai Tochikiston Va Vatan

This free app is able to translate words and text from tajiktoenglish, and from english to tajik.Best app for easy andfasttranslations, which can be used like a dictionary.If you areastudent, tourist or traveler in Tajikistan, it will helps youtolearn the language!Disclaimer: This service maycontaintranslations powered by Google. Google disclaims allwarrantiesrelated to the translations, express or implied,including anywarranties of accuracy, reliability, and any impliedwarranties ofmerchantability, fitness for a particular purposeandnoninfringement.
Google Translate link: Assalamu Alaykum We provided you with so many Islamic featuresinthis application. 1) Namaz Times or Prayer Times Our main goalofthis application is to provide correct prayer timings forTajikpeople in Tajik. We provided prayer timings according toWorldMuslim League and Hanafi school. In near future we areplanning tobring namaz timings from Islamic Center of Republic ofTajikistan.2) Quran In our application we have Quran both in Arabicand Tajik.Our Quran is offline, you only need to enter any surahonly once.3) Names of God We provided you with 99 names of Allahwith Arabic,Arabic Transcribed in Tajik, Tajik with meaning and howtopronounce.
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4) Mosques (Masjid) of Tajikistan We have alltheinformation about mosques of Tajikistan. You can have historyandcontact information about mosques. 5) Islamic Library Weprovidedyou with Islamic books within our application. All of ourbooks aretaken from Islamic Center of Republic of Tajikistan. 6)Today'sAyah We have Today's Section in which we have Today's Ayah.Readand memorize new Ayahs every day.
7) Today's Hadis Read andlearnnew Sahih Hadis every day 8) Today's Dua We have Today's Duainwhich you can learn new Quranic Duas. 9) And more We areplanningto bring more and more features in our application for you.In nearfuture we will provide you with Islamic Calendar, Tasbih,Zakat,Qibla Finder and others. As Prophet Muhammad s.a.w. Said'Convey mymessage even if it is one ayah', dear brothers sendthisapplication to your friends. Jazakallohu Khayr.
Download new versionhere:Spanish EnglishUse the translator to studies,travel andbusiness. It is simple and easy to use.It translatesinstantly morethan 100 languages without limits. Type the phraseyou want totranslate, click the button, when you can have thetranslation inthe selected language and you can share it on yourfavorite mediasuch as Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp.Reproduces theoriginallanguage translation by just pressing a button and lookgood in thepronunciation not to lose detail. Xonanda is the best application number 1 in Tajikistan. In this application you will learn a lot ofnewthings.
This application is intended primarily for studentsandstudents. You can find all the items that you need.

Downloadtodayand see for yourself!Main features:- Markazi Milli Testi-Savolhoitesti- Marousa va insho- Kitobhoi darsi- Latifaho- Sherhoioshiqi-Oyo medoned- Tabriknoma- Afsonaho- Zabulmasalho-Kissaho-Chistonho- Adiboni Tojik- Statusho- Tolenomai Tocjikiandmuchmore. Servidores linux guia prtico carlos e morimoto download pdf. All Language Translate is a powerful and easy-used translate toolonAndroid device. Do you have problem with words, phase orsentence?Do you want to know the detail meaning of words? Thisis a perfecttranslation and dictionary,you will love it! *NEW*Flash card: afun and effective way to memorize vocabulary.Thereare English,French and Spanish vocabulary for beginners andstudents.We set testto make sure you can really remember theseknowledge.You could alsosee more Interesting course. Download andexperience thisapp!-Professional: Translate more than 100languages.-Comprehensive: Translate with detail meaning of Englishwords!
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