Programma Rascheta Plotnosti Nefteproduktov

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The agenda focused on the further development of Russian-Czech relations, in particular, in trade, economic and cultural spheres, as well as current European and international matters. Following the talks, Vladimir Putin and Milos Zeman made statements for the press. * * * Beginning of talks with President of the Czech Republic Milos Zeman President of the Czech Republic: You had a with President yesterday. President of Russia Vladimir Putin: I will tell you the details of that meeting.

Milos Zeman: You have won in Syria, because he [President al-Assad] controls nearly the entire territory of Syria, with the exception of a few minor regions. And after all, he is the democratically elected president. Vladimir Putin: Mr President, you are absolutely right. Indeed, the Syrian government forces have resumed control of 98 percent of the country’s territory.

There are a few remaining seats of resistance, but they are rapidly diminishing under the blows delivered by our Aerospace Forces, the Syrian Army and allies. I will give you a detailed account. November 21, 2017 But first I would like to thank you for accepting our invitation. (Talking to the interpreter.) Sorry. Milos Zeman: Do not translate. Even journalists must understand Russian. If they do not, too bad for them.

Vladimir Putin: Thank you. We are glad to see you. Relations between the Czech Republic and Russia continue to improve despite the recent problems, including thanks to your efforts, Mr President.

I want to point out that our trade, which had been falling in the past few years quite significantly – it nearly halved, has grown over the first nine months by over 40 percent. It is a very good sign, a good indicator. I know that you have a big agenda, including a visit to Yekaterinburg, if memory serves. This is one of the largest industrial centres in Russia, including in the Urals.

You are accompanied by a large delegation of Czech business people. Milos Zeman: One hundred and forty business people.

Mr President, you know when I travelled to France, only fourteen business people accompanied me. One hundred and forty have come with me to Russia, which is ten times more. Vladimir Putin: Because the Czech Republic has a bigger market here than in France. Milos Zeman: Absolutely. Vladimir Putin: This is the first reason.

The second reason is because large Czech companies such as Skoda operate here successfully. Cooperation is also developing in the energy sector, both in hydrocarbons and nuclear power. There are some very interesting possibilities for cooperation in engineering, as I mentioned. Overall, we have many things to discuss, including cultural links since almost one quarter of the Czech population speaks or at least understands the Russian language.

Russians are also increasingly interested in the Czech language and I will talk about this later. Russia’s major theatre companies (the Mariinsky Theatre, the Russian Symphony Orchestra) are planning tours in the Czech Republic. Gry na telefon.

Marionette of the labyrinth full game. The 'first' one is in a hidden room in the storage cellar of the castle where you fight the final boss, when you enter from the desert side there is that room blocking a path with 2 boulders, if you go straight you'll enter the storage room, and if you go into the middle and then go straight left you'll enter a room with 3 red slimes, just beat them and continue down the path and you'll get to a room with the sword in it.