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Rendering multiple frames for a complete animation can be time consuming, even on a fast machine, because each frame is individually processed. Realistic materials, shadow casting, and other factors can slow the process as well. This scene is relatively simple however, so it doesn’t take long to render. Set up the scene: • On the Quick Access toolbar, click (Open File) and open your saved animation, my_battlefield attack.max.
The latest Tweets from Modeli Design (@ModeliDesign). Create from gorgeous custom closets and sliding closet doors to beautiful vanities with the best custom.
Or open battlefield_attack.max, located in the scenes startup battlefield folder. Note: If you saved your completed files to a folder other than scenes startup, when you open one of your files you might encounter messages about missing files. If you run into this problem, click the Browse button on the Missing External Files dialog. This opens the Configure External File Paths dialog. Click the Add button.
Use the Choose New External Files Path dialog to navigate to the folder where you loaded the original file, and then click Use Path. Click OK, and then click Continue. Render your animation: To complete this tutorial, render the animation you made earlier. The rendering time is probably about 6 minutes, depending on the speed of your machine. • On the main toolbar, click (Render Setup).
3ds Max opens the Render Setup dialog. • In the Time Output group, choose Active Time Segment. (If you left the setting at Single, just the currently displayed frame would render.). Note: You can use the Compressor drop-down list to choose a particular video compressor, or codec. The available choices depend on your system setup. Many codecs let you use the Quality slider to adjust the quality of the output (primarily the output resolution). For the default DV Video Encoder, this control is not available.
On the Render Setup dialog, Save File is now on and the output field shows the location of mybattlefield_attack.avi. • At the bottom of the Render Setup dialog View list, choose Camera01. Tip: In most cases, you will render the camera viewport. • Click Render to begin the rendering process. Sony content browser 2 serial key. Watch a few frames to make sure that the rendering gets off to a good start. The Time Remaining estimate gives you an idea of how long the rendering will take.
Play the rendered animation: • When your animation is finished rendering, choose Rendering menu View Image File. Navigate to the sceneassets animations subfolder. • Highlight mybattlefield_attack.avi and click Open to display the Media Player. • In the Media Player, play your animation. You can also see a version of the animation by playing this movie.
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